Monday, July 30, 2007


我是個典型的雙子座. 典型到有時候我真的懷疑自己是不是有精神分裂.

我總是大家心目中的"小朋友", 因為我就是生活得無憂無慮, 低低能能的. 因為, 我是很會把我"大人"的一面收藏起來.

在別人眼中, 我永遠是一個'開心果". 可是只有我一個知道, 我是一個十分多愁善感的人.

別人總覺得我對什麼事也沒有所謂. 其實, 我是十分有自尊卻沒有自信的人, 對別人的批評總是耿耿於懷.

可是, 我迷惑了. 這是因為我是有雙重性格, 或是, 我根本善於偽裝?


  1. 放心啦,,d電影藝人一定擅長過,,無事ga bor~~~邊有咁容易分裂吖~~hahaha^^

  2. I think everyone has "two faces"... Even though I act like an idiot most of the time, but I do have a sensitive heart.

    I have been really depressed recently ar... sigh... See, the dark side of me is living right now...

  3. hey mag, how r u going? Have little argument with your boyfriend again? May be your heart is too sensitive.

    My dark side is just over. But as soon as I start school, I will be mad again. That’s life…

  4. Sigh... u won't believe me la... I lost my pre-engagement bracelet. Not only it is expensive (it's a Tiffany and engraved... CND$700+...), it is also meaningful.

    I have no clue how it is lost. I just don't. I though I took it off in the bathroom before I took a shower and didn't take it with me after shower. That is normal because I have my own bathroom and I usually just wearing it in the morning. However, that day, I just can't find it. Then I searched the entire house top to bottom, still nowhere to be seen. My biggest fear would be I lost it when I went out... I got home late that day I didn't even know if I had it with me... or accidentally dumped it in the garbage can (which is most likely). I didn't tell my bf (too scared too) and I just kept looking and looking... but during that week I had to hide the fact that I didn't have my bracelet with me coz my bf likes to ask me "hey you get this pretty bracelet, who bought it for you" kinda game... I was so scared that when he found that I didn't have it with me he will be so mad... So I was in a bad mood for the entired it and finally understand that I can't hide it forever may as well tell him... and of course, he was very upset. very, very, upset. And the stupid part it, we "purchased" the bracelet for 93 days and I physically owned the bracelet for 72 days because Tiffany sent the bracelet to Toronto for engravement. Since it's so new (and I lost it so quickly), I tried VISA purchase protection plan hopefully they will get least cover part of the cost (they said it's too expensive, it's over the amount that they usually give so the most they can give us $500.. but u know better than none right) But they said because the date of purchase to the date I lost it was more than 90 days (gosh... I wanted to be honest so I told them the exact dates...) they denied my claim. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sad... sigh...

    well it's has been a while now so I am feeling not as depresssed. The main reason why I am so depressed is that I am so disappointed in myself and feel so incapable. I have lost so many things. I lost my wallet at least 3 times on the bus and even though my cards weren't stolen, ppl always took the cash so I lost money there. I lost my computer wireless internet card because it fell out from my bag, I lost that water bottle my aunt bought me in HK (i love it, it's so cute and can't be found in Canada), the most crazy things was I lost my bf memory stick twice. The first time I lost it I went back to the shop and secretly bought one back (he still doesn't know obviously). and couple months later I lost it again and I, again, went back to the store to buy one. Each of this Sony memory stick costs CND$200... and everytime I lost something important to me I kept telling myself "I will be more careful from now on, I will make sure I have everything with me and not leaving anything behind..." Yet again, I lost another important item. and it's very expensive. I felt so useless and incapable. I just hated myself so much. I just lost all my confidence as I can't trust myself. Sigh... and since I had been wearing my bracelet everyday for those days, I miss my bracelet terrible... I feel like something is missing on me... (it is literally) so very depressed...

    This Sat. my bf will take me to Tiffany to buy my bracelet back... sigh... feel so stupid... double the $$... and this time I will pay for this coz I lost that one he bought... (but hope he will have mercy and pay for it eventually hahaha). So, if I lost this 2nd one again, I will dig a hole and bury myself. seriously. too shameful to live. and I told my mom and brothers I am getting another one they think I am out of my mind... well... I really want it "back"... do u think it's stupid?

  5. Don’t worry least your bf forgive u and u still can get another one. But I think you better to get insurance for this bracelet…well, at least you don’t have to get the third one!

    I had the same thing last week…..well, I didn’t lose my bracelet, but I lost the diamond on the bracelet….stupid me! This is the second time I did it. May be it is the time for me to get another bracelet rather than just fix it

  6. Wa losing diamond... hope it's not like 25ct.!!

    Sigh I went back to TIffany on Sat. and buy the exact same bracelet... and noticed that it is more expensive!!!!! i asked them why, and they said usually they raise the price 3 times a year!!!!!
    GOSH!!! So my advice for ppl who buy stuff from Tiffany... as soon as it comes out, just go buy it!!! Not only Tiffany doesn't go on sale (not that I've heard of), the price actually increase!! 3 times a year! So when u see things u like from Tiffany, just go ahead and buy it, don't bother thinking of getting it... just go get it!

  7. haha...if my diamond is 25ct, I should be able to see it when I drop it.

    see.....i don't like Tiffany at it doesn't bother me...hehe, save a lots of money this way. but that is what those famous brand did! I hate those "limited edition". once I saw that two words, my eyes shine and I will get it without thinking....
