Wednesday, July 4, 2007


點點血還好, 一超過20ml, 我的bloodphobia就會開始發作. 明明我是抽血的那一個, 可是我也是暈倒的那一個. 現在學精了, 每一次抽血, 一定找一張椅子坐下才抽. 雖然很消極, 但是這是沒有辦法之中的辦法.

當我開始學打針的時候, 「衰人阿頭」知道我是有needlephobia. 她一直很擔心我幫人打針時會 “病發”, 所以我要比其他人通過更關才可以打我的 “第一針”. 還記得我的 “第一次” 是個中年男人. 他很擔心我不行, 可是又不好意思拒絕的. 我便跟他說之前的那一個病人沒有投訴. 他聽了之後便放心很多 (他的vein像水渠那樣粗, 沒有可能打不到啦!) . 打完之後, 我便跟他說之前那個病人沒有投訴的原因是因為 “他” 是一隻假手! (那是事實, 假手先生被我刺了n那麼多針也沒有啍過半句聲! 所以我有理由相信我打針的技術超凡!)

這兩個怪病更令我不敢吃任何新鮮的東西. 總之要劏的東西好像魚和雞, 不理他們是死是活我也不能碰. 所以我從來只吃雪藏的魚柳和一片片的雞肉. 媽媽出神入化的廚藝到了我這裡恐怕要失傳了, 對不起啦媽媽!


  1. My blog was created just for you because apparently, only those that have yahoo blog are allowed to leave messages... plus this is my "entertainment" during my lunch hour... that's why I am so "hard-working"~ hahahahahahahaha...

    You going to Australia was totally a mistake~! You should haven't came to Canada with me!!! If you did then I guess we would be playing music at the park right now hahahahaha... (Get brother hung play with us!!!)

    If you are only interested in 雪藏的魚柳和一片片的雞肉, you should come to Canada~! Because it's all we have hahahaha... and you know what, I have the same problem too!! I don't touch raw meat!! My mom always tried to get me to help but I refuse to... just can't see myself touch raw meat. My mom always says she doesn't see me having problem eating it but never help... See, my theory is, when the meat is cooked, they are no longer raw meat, they become FOOD. Sigh, I used to be really brave that I weren't afraid of any insects or anything... something happened when I was 15 and that changed my whole perspective... I will continue next time~! (lunch is over and boss is back!!!!!)

  2. Haha….it seems I am writing this blog for you only anyway (coz you are the only one comes). So here is our secret place!

    No worry la….I am writing this reply while I am with patient (so I am checking the door every 30 seconds ) Actually it seems working quite well this way, very efficient!

    I think it was a mistake to come to Oz as well….but as you know, I am so poor ar! I cannot afford the money to Canada ! My daddy was planning to send me to China or Taiwan at the beginning. Oz is the best option I can chose at that time. But if you have a handsome boy for me in Canada and I will be on the plane to Canada tomorrow morning .

    I remember you can cook in H.E. lessons at SCC ga wo….what happened?

  3. haha...仲有我可以留言囉~
    我有 Yahoo Blog架!!
    只係宜家無用之嘛 ^.^

    嘩~ 你又要抽血但又怕血...

  4. 嘩...太好啦, 又多一個人啦! 多謝你啦卡路!
    因為我怕打針, 之前每次有人叫我打黃豆我都"借d意"走左去. 而家無得避, 放完假之後就要打, 都唔知點算好

  5. Here's the second part to my story of me turning onto a "raw-meat-phobic".

    Canada is so very nature-friendly so there's tons of different kind of spiders, ants and etc. This incident in my first year in Canada. It was summer and ants were everywhere. There's one type of ant called carpenter ant and it's really big. I was at the kitchen and there was a carpenter ant walking around the counter top. And as we know, bugs are not allowed to be in the kitchen so I tried to kill it. (I didn't have fear of killing bugs whatsoever.) So I hit the ant with magazine and it stead of being dead, the ant was running around "headless". I mean literally HEAD-LESS. With no head. You know there are three parts of an insect's body: head, thorax, and abdomen. The head was detached with the rest of the body of that ant while the legs of the ant were still carrying the other parts of the ant running around. So I guess I be-headed the aut accidentally and it's still living!!!!!! The scene was too horrifying (don't u find it extremely haunted?!) I started screaming and running out of the kitchen. My mom and brothers didn't know what happened to see so they came check out. But it seems that I was the only horrified. But I was seriously traumatized I couldn't even eat meat. At that very moment when the headless ant running on the coutertop headlessly (it really did), I realized that no matter how small a creature is, it still has life like we do and "life", in general, is equal among all creatures. (sound kinda budhist...) Obviously we all have different roles and paths like we are humans they are ants... but it is "life" that keeps ALL OF US LIVING THINGS going. And me killing is taking life away from it... it's a big thing! (I am the only in my family feel this way... they all thought and still thinking that I am insane.) Anyways, at first, I totally refused to eat meat (for the thought of having to kill that animal to eat it). I didn't even drink soup coz u know mom always put lean pork for soup nor eat dishes that had meats in it. My mom knew what I was thinking and thought that I was stupid thinking that way so she made everything with meat. I didn't consider cooking for myself becoz of the inconveniece of grocery shopping. I didn't wanna starve myself to dead so I slowly started eating meat again by drinking soup that was made of meat and eating vegetables in a dish that had meats in it. Then I came to a realization that when "raw meat" is cooked, they are no long "dead body"; they became FOOD~! So then my eating habit was back to normal (and I ate extra of course for the days I missed hahahaha). But since that incident, I simply don't touch raw meat for they are dead bodies, and I don't kill bugs (I vacumm them, haha). And I only eat the common food such as seafood, pork, beef and chicken. I don't eat lamb or exotic meats...

    So, that's my story... if you wanna laugh at me and think that I am stupid, just go ahead. I am already used to it.

  6. haha...that's scary!You're so cruel!

    I won't use vacuum cleaner at all...god knows whether they will still alive in the vacuum cleaner and build their nest or not. Pesticide is good in this case (well, last time I uesd half the bottle of pesticide and attemed to kill a spider. Well, that is a spider size like a human hand! I made it truned write, well, but it is and alive)
