Sunday, June 24, 2007

哈哈, 這個題目真的 “簡而清”. 為什麼會選這個題目? 因為我醜囉!

昨天無聊翻開相簿, 發覺這幾年很少拍照. 其實是有的, 不過因為接受不到相中人太醜而給我全delete了! 小時侯的baby fat是十分可愛. 不過大了之後卻愈來愈不同樣, 果真是 “小時了了, 大未必佳”.

而且, 我一向沒有潮流觸覺, 況且我的樣子長得一點時代感也沒有. 曾經試過有朋友將一堆流行的東西堆在我身上, 出來的效果只顯得格格不入. 自此我便知道我和“潮”一字無緣.

再加上身為長女, 爸爸媽媽也希望把我扮得像個小公主. 衣櫥裡只有一堆泡泡裙和娃娃裙. 還記得小時侯最“潮”的衣服只是一條牛仔裙. 我相信人的氣質是由一個人的生活習慣而養成. 這就是可能我“潮”不起的原因吧!

誰不知長大後更糟糕. 第一次實習買了一套suit, 是由一件黑外套, 半截黑裙和白恤衫組成. 很pro吧?!很可惜, 出來的效果只像酒樓樓面的阿姐. 之後試過不同顏色不同cutting不同牌子的suit. 結果是 -- 不夾就是不夾, 看來我就是沒有當專業人士的命吧!

衣服拯救不了我, 那髮型呢? 可能因為面形的關係, 試過短髮, 留海, 捲髮, colour, 全部出來的效果都……挺嚇人的!

沒有辦法, 只有出女人的殺手簡 – 化妝品! 被喻為這個世紀最偉大發明的化妝品, 堆在我這個醜人身上也沒有什麼大作為. 我那雙完全的單鳳眼是用不了什麼眼線眼影, 塌鼻樑也是塌鼻樑, 圓臉也不會變小臉. 頂多粉底可以把我的暗瘡蓋掉. 哈哈, 醜女, 你認命吧!

那為什麼我好像不介意? 因為我覺得我對自己滿意就可以, 為什麼我要介意別人怎麼看我? 你覺得我醜時我也可以這樣批評你 (我總不信滿街也是李嘉欣吧!). 你不想和我一起我也不會覺得是我損失. 少了美貌有時還會是好事. 起碼色狼也不會對我下手呀! 有的人會為了一粒暗瘡而失眠, 在我這個醜女身上, 至少要一打暗瘡才會令我擔心! 而且可以大吃大喝, 不用擔心體重的問題 (因為胖和很胖分別不大!).

算吧, 自吹自擂夠了, 快回去挑一套衣服明天可以穿吧!

1 comment:

  1. No way ar Kwan Kwan~! You are always so cute and sweet ga~! Remember when we went to choir orchestra, u dressed the best (at least among our "little circle" heehee)!!!! And you totally aren't ugly~! Your skin is like snow-white's and mine is sooooooooooo dark like carbon. I always envy you ga~!

    Speaking of fashion, SIGH... You know I am working in my university... I still feel like going to school as a student since this is what I am used to, and so I come to school dressing like a student. SIGH... we too are Chinese "ladies" so I am not speaking bad of us but seriously, some Chinese ladies are so "unbelievable". Last week I was helping at my faculty's grad reception and it was about time to clean up so I asked people if they still want more food or I will do the clean up. This Chinese lady spoke to her friend in Cantonese suggesting her friend to take the food home. I don't usually speak Chinese at work so I guess those ladies didn't think I actually understood them but in that particular setting, speaking Cantonese to her friend suggesting her to bring the food home while I asked them in English was kinda cheap (especially I did understand what they were saying)... either way, I did put all the food but the dessert away. After a while this lady asked me to bring her the food, and at that time it was really late already so I politely said "no but please have some dessert (which was sitting on a table not too far away from where they were sitting)", and then she asked meto bring her the dessert (talking like she's a queen). I was thinking in my head like "what the... ya right...", so I (still politely with a smile on my face) said "the dessert is on the table over there so please help yourself". And then, she asked me if I am a student here... I was rathered offended so I said, "no I already have my degree and I am working at the Dean's Office" and left the room. This reception was a self-served reception (like buffet) and I don't know what gave her the idea that any staff would bring her food. Also, so what if I am a student?! If I am a student , I have to bring people food?! I don't think she would ask the Dean of the faculty of bring her food~! Soooo ridiculous. (as you can tell I am still pretty upset) Well, on that day, I wore a pair of black pants and denims jacket... so I guess I didn't deserve respect... SIGH...

    Anyways, how can your Chinese be so good?! Look at me, I can't even type Chinese and it's all your fault coz you haven't written me anything in years!!! Since I haven't been writing Chinese, how would I learn Chinese typing?! Sigh~ Just kidding la... it's my own fault. That time I went back to HK , I bought myself a Chinese typing manual kinda thing and I lost it before I left... hahaha, you can see how motivated I am.
