Monday, August 20, 2007


可能基於女生天生對電子用品從來沒有什麼chemistry, 或者是我家的DNA出錯, 總之, 我們三姊妹和媽媽要不是電器白痴, 就是電器殺手. 基本上, 在我手上的任何電子用品, 都沒有什麼好下場.

還記得我第一部notebook, 是台灣華碩牌, 價值港幣五千元正. 由於當時沒有話事權, 被爸爸和弟弟兩個"夾"了去黃金, 買了全場第二平的notebook. 本來是買全場至平的, 四千塊, 可是那個"鬼影" mon 真的太恐怖, 多看兩眼也頭暈眼花. 央求了爸爸很久才可以多花一千塊錢upgrade至"正常版". 那時他們兩父子所堅持的信念是,"平貴也是電腦, 是沒有分別的!" 而隨機亦有附送一年保養.

多謝那一年保養, 那部notebook才可以勉強支撐了一年. 因為在我買回來的第三個月, 那個hard disk已經失靈. 而為了維修那部notebook, 我只好每三個月回香港一次. 加起來的飛機票錢已經夠我買很多部notebook了. 到第十三個月的時候, cd rom終於正式certify. 而一個原廠的cd rom已經比一部全新的notebook貴. 到那時候, 我才明白保養是對一個電器殺手是多麼重要. 而我買第二部notebook的時候, 亦因為這個原因, 特地挑了有三年保養期的NEC.

最近一次失敗的例子是我的Sony MP3 player. 本來對MP3沒有好感的我, 突然因為想買一個USB memory stick而改變. 經過我千挑萬選之後, 最於鎖定目標, 就是他!

由於(那時候)是新出, 又是2GB版, 所以一點也不便宜. 可惜買了不到兩個月, 它就壞了. 由於一直沒有空, 直到上個星期才有空拿去sony維修. 我一直把收據和保養證釘在一起, 放在包包裡. 本以為這是很安全, 可是不知怎麼, 我竟然在包包找東西的時候把收據扯掉. 最過份的是, 我竟然可以看也不看, 就把收據當廢紙丟掉. 在我去到sony, 把MP3交給他們的時候, 我才發現收據不見了. 那時候又不可以拿回MP3, 可是要把它維修好, 那價錢隨時比我買一部全新還要貴. 那時候sony的職員便跟我說, 我可以試試回到我買的店舖, 嘗試請他們補發收據. 那個時候我也沒有其他更好的辦法, 唯有聽他的建議一試.

雖然打了很多次電話才給轉介到合適的職員, 不過幸運的是, 他們還有保留那紀錄, 而且我又是用EPS付款, 可以追查到那項交易紀錄, 他們才可以補發收據.

從這件事裡, 我學會了

1. 永遠買電器都是大商號好
2. 用EPS和信用咭這一類有紀錄的付款方式付款, 一旦出事也可以追查
3. 一定要保養


  1. My 5-yr-old Sony laptop is still ok wo... it was in the rain once and totally in water I thought it must have dead... but that only broke that DVDplayer/CD burner and hard drive hahahaha, since it has docking station I didn't bother replacing the burner (got an external one instead), but had to replace hard drive... but i am surprised that it's still up and running... and of course, the battery is dead so it has to be pluged on the wall. But this laptop of mine helped me finished my U degree and didn't pretty not bad... u know, like going to class with me, doing presentation, and enable me to use msn in class and stuff... so I am not gonna get rid of it ever!

  2. actually my friend said her sony laptop is pretty good as well......But I do have problems with my sony Hi-fi, dvd player, MD player and my MP3 player. May be that is my own problem :(

    Indeed my NEC laptop died once. Back to the days that I am so addict to MSN/icq and one of my friends told me that I can actually leave my computer on for whole day. So I listen to him and hard disk exploded and died after few days! I lost all my assignment and information. Even though I can get a new hard disk, I am not listening to my friend any more.
