Wednesday, August 8, 2007



其實自己會考已經是很久很久以前的事. 是舊的連自己也不清楚有沒有考過會考. 不過, 今年會考將會是我家最後參與的一次, 是因為連我家年紀最小的小妹也考完了. 而且還取得不俗的成績.

回 想當年, 我的會考簡直考得一塌糊塗. 那時不是不努力念書, 可惜文字從來不是我的朋友. 同一樣的答案, 其他人就可以拿滿分, 我就只可以在合格邊緣掙扎. 其實到現在我也不明白這到底是為什麼. 而且那時根本沒有原動力, 老師對於我也放棄了. 至少,從來沒有人會讚過我.曾經試過做ERS做得出色, 我竟然被老師誣蔑我出貓.

而且, 我真的不知道為什麼我竟然會挑了文科. 不過兩年的文科生涯不是沒有得著. 至少, 現在的我會懂得文言文, 對地理歷史又有一定的認識. (是一定, 非常有限的那種.)

不 過當年考會考時我是別有用心. 因為爸爸說如果我可以在香港升中六的就在香港升. 如果升不了, 就到外國去. 沒辦法, 為了前途, 唯有......有多差考多差! (哈哈, 把會考考差, 我想我是第一人吧!) 不是說在香港沒有前途, 不過那時我已經可以預見, 無論將來我可以升到大學與否, 我也只會做一輩子文員sales, 做一份不喜歡的工到老.

到了外國, 整個人像重生一樣. 記得最開心的是有一次派試卷, 沒有我的份. 跟老師說, 老師竟然說, "不要緊, 反正你一定是全班最高份的那一個." 這是第一次有人對我的能力作出肯定.

不是說外國唸書比較容易, 當中我捱過多少苦, 只是旁人不知道. 跟人提起成績好, 別人老是覺得我是用錢買回來. 回到香港, 又回到沒有自信的日子. 尤其是一句"你會考幾多分? 你A-level又幾多A?"更令我啞口無言.

不 只是別人, 就連家中的人也對我的"成就"也完全否定. 我爸媽very pound of我弟弟, 老是"吹噓"他廿七分, 讀港大的"英雄事跡". 而每當我"提醒"他們我TEE(等同香港的A-level)也有兩支"火箭"的時候, 他們總是說, "那是用錢買回來, 不算!"

還記 得當年我弟弟派成績的當晚, 我爸爸在酒樓大排宴席, 慶祝我家出了個"狀元". 當我告訴他們考醫的時候, 他們只是說"女孩子不要唸這些". 到今時今日, 他們也覺得我把他們的臉丟光了. 尤其是現在我的小妹妹又考得這麼好. 不過如果讓我從頭多來一次, 我想我也是會努力把我的會考考差的! 畢竟, 沒有那次的考試就不會有今天的我!

PS. 哈哈, 其實當年沙頭角官中是收我唸中六, 只是我沒有跟爸媽說 . 否則他們一定迫我去唸的!


  1. 考會考 to me is a big thing in life. It is like after you 考會考 you turly are a grown-up. And as you know, I never had a chance to 考會考, that's why I always feel like there's something big which I haven't done. I wonder what I would get if I 考會考 NOW hahaha. I think I will still get bad marks (the only subject that I would pass is English... other.... all Fs, or u have a grade "U"?! hahaha)
    You know me, I am the worst student on this planet. And my family didn't move here to Canada, I can't see what I will be doing in HK. But I still think what you said is true. People in HK would think my university degree is nothing as our stuff is "easier". Some of my relatives made comments like "you lucky that your family is rich enough to migrate. Otherwise you are the type who will acheive nothing..." so unfair. It is not our fault that HK style education can't really educate GENUIS like us. Hahahaha

  2. I know.....we are just too clever to fit into the education system in HK. Even though I pass my HKCEE, I am still thinking I have not been grown up at all.

    To be honest, I will be the worst student in the galaxy if you are the worst student on this planet. You are graduated from UBC and you must have some sort of intelligent to do this.

    So, when will you come and teach me English?

  3. No la, me grad from Simon Fraser University (where I work right now) with BA in Linguistics...
    SFU's computing science, business as well as education are better than UBC's; just that we don't have med and law school so it's not as famous as UBC internationally... but locally is the same.

    my english so bad la... right now I am working at SFU Faculty of Education Dean's Office, have to deal with tons of Ph.D.s everyday... even the way the secretary talks is more "pro" than I am ar... However, as a lingusitics grad, my favourite prof (also the chair of the department) said everyone speaks English with an accent (British, American, Canadian, Australian, HKstyle(?!)... ), it's ok perfectly ok. Hahahaha... me English so poor don't know much pro words... as least u know a ton la! u should me the one teaching!!!!!

    And me is the worst student God ever created... u grad from ur fancy hospital thing u MUST be intelligent!!! me just a ling major jar...

    (we are so humble! hahahahaha)

  4. no la....don't you remember that my supervisor refers me to see the speech pathologist? I think I just can't speak English at all!

    see....your qualification is better than me la....I think I should change my cert to "bachelor of Stupid medicine"

    You know what, I went for a course yesterday. I am the last one in my department to do it and everybody is telling me it is very easy to pass. So I trust them and didn't do any study at all. Indeed...that paper is very difficult and I don’t understand any of the medical terms that are on the paper. The worst part is I have to get 80% to pass the paper and I was the last one to finish it. So I think I am "die hard" this time......lucky I get pass. I told other ppl how hard that is when I get back to my dept. One of the girls told me "that paper is so easy....I got full mark!"...

  5. 諗起會考,其實我的會考,你也有參與的。中四學期尾時,我生病了,有個幾月無返過學,你幫我在堂上錄音,幫我拎功課,寫家課冊等等,令我追得上課程,我之後可以繼續升中六七,都係你的功勞...你對我來說真的十分重要...香港就是太著重學科成績了,而且近乎盲目的地步,你到外國發展是好事,可以盡情發揮所長!一個人的價值,並不是一紙分數斷定的。可以肯定,你在我心目中的價值是很高,超過十條A。^_^
