Monday, November 19, 2007


我不敢說我自己的中文很好, 可是有時候看到其他人的中文的時候, 還是不禁搖頭.



什麼是"尋日"? 什麼是"呢個"? 還有"要從佢身上聯想番乾隆帝都幾難,
不過和藹可親恆紹又充滿王族既貴氣"更是不知所謂. 縱然胡適與陳獨秀等文士曾提出"我手寫我口"等文學改革, 用意是提高文學的傳播效果及感染力, 可是現在的人用廣東話來寫文章也未免太扯吧!

廣東話口語式的文字, 用以朋友之間, 作為的普通的對話未嘗不可, 而且更感到份外親切. 可是用之於正式的傳播媒體裡, 卻是萬萬不能接受.

在日常生活裡, 經常聽到其他人的對話夾雜大量英文. 其實從前的我也是這樣子的. 因為覺得這樣很"型", 可以顯示自己曾經接受"高等教育"
(其實也不是很高, 只是中五
而已. 不過那時候真的很無知!) 直至一天我給J神的一句責備而醒覺了. 他說, "你不要以為自己會說兩句英文便很棒,

之後我真的開始留意其他人. 發覺語文能力愈好的人, 所用的"英文單字/單句"確是比那些半調子少. 從那時候我便開始戒掉"說英文"的習慣.
除了一些約定俗成的字和一些我不知道的詞語之外, 我一律堅持要用中文表達. 而寫作上亦盡量用一些正統的書面語. 不過說真的,
這對於我也是很難的事. 其實在文筆之間可以看得出我還是有用了一點
廣東話, 而且句子結構和表達方式亦受了英文和日文影響. 經常出現一些"怪怪"的東西.

不敢說自己能說流利的英文/普通話, 不過身邊朋友眾多, 他們來自五湖四海, 好壞倒也聽得出來. 有時候聽到那些售貨員/接待員, 用帶著很重的
廣東腔的英文/普通話來跟外國人溝通時, 真的覺得很好笑. 英文我倒沒話說, 畢竟是另一個語文系統, 而且在學校學的也是廣東腔的英文, 很難說得好. 不過普通話也說不好, 就未免有點那個. 很多人也以往把廣東話唸歪一點就是普通話. 這就讓以普通話當母語的人聽得一頭霧水. 相比起英文, 普通話其實已經很容易學. 學得好不好, 只是看閣下有沒有用心去學而已.


  1. finally come here. hehe~

    u know, when i was in U, 1 of my professor said u either talk in chinese or eng, dun mix the 2 in 1 sentence, coz it 's not a good habit. i tried to use only 1 language each time i speak since then on. acutally, using both chi and eng in 1 sentence give others an impression dat u are showing off ur eng something. not very good reli.

    as for putonghua, i dun think it's easy for some people. the sound some HK people speak is reli strange. not dat they dun try hard, dunno how to say....actually the 聲調等等 of cantonese and putonghua are quite different, so maybe this is the reason.

  2. really? I can't believe there is people support my (well, and my brother's) thinking. so cool~~

    I remember I failed the PTG exam at middle school. Only 16 out of 100 (keke, actually this is not the lowest subject in my life. The lowest one is HE, 12 out of 100.) After that, I just chose not to speak any PTG, not until one day I am confidence enough to do so. I feel better this way, rather than speak some weir PTG and let people to laugh at me.

  3. hahaha. yes ar. many of the highly educated people use 1 language at a time. u see anson chan and regina ip, they say eng then eng, chi then chi. and all my U professors do it dat way.

    my putonghua is ok, my 'sounds' generally are more accurate than many other hk people, so i scored high marks in primary, secondary school and U. i guess it's just becoz i'm a real chinese born in china, so easier to learn?? i dunno. or maybe i have started learning it since i was young. practice makes perfect. add oil for ur putonghua~~

  4. which primary school did you go to? Why you can learn PTG??

  5. it's a very small primary school in ho man tin. i lived and studied in kowloon before secondary school ma, just for ur information. i dunno why, but it's compulsory for all P4 or above students to learn putonghua there. i liked this subject very much in primary school, but no more afterward. haha.
