Monday, November 12, 2007


本以為現在同胞們的英語已經大有改善, 看完這篇報導之後便發覺...唉, 還是算了吧! 而且重點是他們沒有知恥近乎勇, 還指控制塔的人沒有用"標準英語". 我的天, 我看當今最正宗的英語還是要帶有超濃烈中國腔, 至少有十三億的中國人會認同這點.

看來我應該可以乎合當國航機師的條件, 至少我的英語也很"標準"


1 comment:

  1. Speechless... if they only stay in China and nowhere else their English is perfectly fine... I mean even the guy who passed the test... gosh... if you don't understand just say you don't, don't pretend you do and say a bunch of crap! That's my technique!!! Only I can say crap!!! hahaha...
